In Another World With My Smartphone Wiki

Magic is the common term referred to the magical system used in the In Another World With My Smartphone series.


The magic system of In Another World With My Smartphone is based on the user's affinity for certain aptitudes, or abilities over a certain element. There are seven elements that one can have an aptitude for: Fire, Earth, Light, Wind, Water, Darkness, and Null.

Magic Mechanics

All people are born with "magical energy", but one must have the aptitude to use it. Not all people have the aptitude for any type of magic other than Null, which is a special case. An example in both the manga and the anime: Elze and Linze are twins, but Linze is able to use water magic where Elze has no aptitude for the aforementioned.

The aptitude for certain element can be discovered by using small shards of magic stones (spell stones) of different colors, each element having a different color stone. If a person chants a spell while holding a magic stone, and the magic stone reacts, then the person has an aptitude for that element (excluding Null, which everyone has).

Aptitudes also have intensity. The more intense one's aptitude is, the more powerful his/her spells are. This was shown when Linze, an adept wizard caused a trickle of water to fall from the stone while Touya, a novice wizard caused a small geyser to erupt with the very same spell that Linze used.

To test for one's aptitude, one must say "Come forth, element".

To use a null spell, one must simply say the spell.

Below are the different elements one can control:

Stone Color Element Description Users
Red Fire If an aptitude is present, a blast of fire will erupt from the stone. It is unknown how the user's aptitude intensity affects the stone. So far, only fire can be generated from this stone. Mochizuki Touya, Linze
Orange Earth If an aptitude is present, a miniature avalanche of sand will fall from the stone. It is unknown how the user's aptitude intensity affects the stone. So far, only sand can be generated from this stone. Mochizuki Touya
Yellow Light If an aptitude is present, the stone will glow. It is unknown how the user's aptitude intensity affects the stone. Light is viewed as something "holy", meaning it can heal and purify. This was first shown when Touya healed Leim. Purification spells have a great advantage against undead enemies. Mochizuki Touya, Linze
Green Wind If an aptitude is present, a wind tunnel will erupt from the stone. It is unknown how the user's aptitude intensity affects the stone. Anything related to storms can be generated from this stone. This includes lightning. Mochizuki Touya
Blue Water If an aptitude is present, a blast of water will erupt from the stone. The more intense the user's aptitude is, the more powerful the user's blast of water. Water and ice can both be generated from this stone. It is unknown if steam can be generated from this stone too. Mochizuki Touya, Linze
Violet Darkness If an aptitude is present, a cloud of darkness will form around the stone. It is unknown how the user's aptitude intensity affects the stone. Summoning spells are included in this element. Mochizuki Touya
White Null All the characters in both the manga and the anime have an aptitude for Null magic. Null magic is a personal magic, meaning that it is extremely rare for two people to use the same spell under the Null magic category (Touya and the Fairy Clan being the exceptions). Null magic involves any spell that isn't related to the elements mentioned above. An example: Gate, which allows the user to create portals. Touya can use any Null magic spell, and the Fairy Clan can use roughly four or five Null magic spells. All the characters in both the anime and manga

The amount of aptitudes one has varies per person, but the more aptitudes one has, the rarer his/her magic capability is. This means that it is extremely rare to have three aptitudes, as stated by Linze, while it is more common to have two aptitudes, and it is the most common to have one aptitude. The exception is Mochizuki Touya, who is the only person capable of handling all seven stones.

In the Light Novel only, Linze continues to explain that a person with more than one aptitude can have an affinity for an element over the other. For example, Linze is better at using fire than at light although her affinity for water is unknown.

In the Volume 4 of the Light Novel is explained that the magic capacity of the user can make the spells more powerfull or weak, this was explained when Touya used for the first time the Null spell Gravity, the original user was only able to make things a little more heavy while Touya is able to increase the weight to various tons.


The summoning in the world of In Another World With My Smartphone works based on contracts.

For make a contract the user need to do the following steps:

  1. Magic Circle, in order for summon a being the user need to draw a magic circle and infuse his magical energy, this circle other than summon the being for make a contract work as barrier that prevent the summoned being from assault the summoner or go rampaging in the area
  2. Pact, the summoner will talk with the summoned being with the latter that will say what want for make the contract (example, a wolf will ask to be filled of food or a demon will ask human sacrifices), if the summoner fulfill the request it will be possible procede to the next step but if the summoner fail then the summoned being will retire and will never respond to another "call"
  3. Name, if the request is fulfilled the summoner will give to the summoned beast a name and this will conclude the contract

Till now the summoning magic seems connected only to the darkness attribute but this fact don't prevent the chance of summoning divine beasts or holy being

Aside from the steps, the summoner needs to have enough magical energy to sustain the presence of the summoned being, otherwise the being will disappear; the more powerful is the being, more magical energy will be required to sustain it.

A summoned being can be removed from the field if the summoner dies or is in a state that can't sustain the summoned being.

Spells Mechanics

Spells are what magic users chant in order to use the magic they are capable of.

Most spells seen follow a certain pattern. In this chart, the spell is in a left-to-right pattern, meaning that the spell starts with the calling and ends with the name:

Calling Element Brief Description Name
The user calls the spell. The user states the element involved The user defines what the spell does. The user calls the spell by its name.
"Come forth fire, hail red stone: Ignis Fire!"

In both the anime and the manga, it has been stated that there are different grades of spells, implying that not all spells follow this pattern. This was proven with the ice spell Linze used, which has no calling.

In chapter five of the first volume of the manga, Linze wanted to learn a new water spell, but it was difficult for her learn it because she didn't understand the meaning of the spell. The spell was, "Come forth water, impact the surface, Bubble Bomb". After Touya helped Linze understand the mechanics of the spell, Linze could use the aforementioned spell. This means that one must know what the spell does in order to use it.


Fire Spells

Spell Name



"Come forth fire"

A blast of flames that erupts directly from the spell stone, its main purpose is to test one's aptitude for fire. All users of the fire spell stone

"Come forth fire, hail red stone: Ignis Fire!"

The target is engulfed in a large pillar of flames. Linze Silhoueska

"Come forth fire, whirling spiral: Fire Storm"

A small fire whirl forms wherever the user wants it to form.

"Come forth flames, fireball of purgatory: Fireball"

The user shoots a fireball that heads towards his/her target.

"Come forth flame, flaming spear of the crimson lotus: Fire Spear"

A spear made entirely of fire is launched at the user's target.

"Come forth fire, crimson eruption: Explosion!"

The user summons multiple pillars of fire to appear at the desired location, tearing anything in its way apart. This seems to be a variation of Ignis Stone. Linze Silhoueska

"Come forth heat, warm barrier: Warming"

The spell grants the user protection against the cold.

Earth Spells

Spell Name Description Users

"Come forth earth"

A miniature avalanche of sand that falls directly from the spell stone, its main purpose is to test one's aptitude for earth. All users of the earth spell stone

"Come forth earth, a cloud to blind, Blinding Sand"

Rings of sand materialize and orbit around the user's target's eyes and a column of sand orbiting around the user's target's legs, blinding and immobilizing him/her Mochizuki Touya

"Come forth rock, pulverization crag, Rock Crash"

The user make fall on the target a giant rock

"Be entangled by soil, ground spell, Earth Bind"

A binding spell wher the ground envelop the legs of the target blocking it in the place

Light Spells

Spell Name Description Users

"Come forth light"

A glow emanates that directly from the spell stone, its main purpose is to test one's aptitude for light. All users of the light spell stone

"Come forth light, become a gentle solace: Cure Heal"

The user's target is quickly healed from any standard ailments (cuts and bruises). The affected also does not regenerate lost blood. Mochizuki Touya

"Come forth light, Goddess of healing: Mega Heal"

An advanced version of the healing spell Cure Heal Mochizuki Touya

"Come forth light, sacred shining spear: Shining Javelin"

A spear made entirely of light is launched at the user's target. Mochizuki Touya

"Come forth light, small illumination: Light"

One or more orbs of light emerge from the spell stone. Their main purpose is to illuminate their surroundings.

"Misinterpreted light, bending guidance: Invisible"

The user becomes invisible by bending the surrounding light around himself/herself. This means the the user still affects physics and can be revealed by any means other than vision.

"Come forth light, bright shining duet: Light Arrow"

An arrow entirely made of light is shot at the user's target.

"Come forth light, shine the light of exile: Banish"

The spell's effect is not clear, but it was seen that all undead creatures are weak to this spell.

"Come forth light, the breath bringing health: Refresh"

This is a healing spell that replenishes one's stamina.

Wind Spells

Spell Name Description Users

"Come forth wind"

A tunnel of wind that blasts from the spell stone, its main purpose is to test one's aptitude for wind. All users of the wind spell stone

"Come forth lightning, lightning spear of the white lotus: Thunder Spear"

A spear made entirely out of lightning is launched at the user's target.

"Wind come whirling, storm bulwark: Cyclone Wall"

A defensive wind spell that create around the target a wall of wind

"Wind whirl, the whirlwind of storm: Cyclone Storm"

The user generate a cyclone in a specific location

"Shred Wind, a thousand blades born of the gale, Cyclone Edge"

The user relase around itself various wind blades

Water Spells

Spell Name Description Users

"Come forth water"

A blast of water that erupts from the spell stone, its main purpose is to test one's aptitude for water. All users of the water spell stone

"Ice entangle, spell of freezing: Ice Bind"

The spell freezes the user's target's feet, rendering him/her immobile. Linze Silhoueska

"Come forth water, impact the surface: Bubble Bomb"

The user launches a bubble of water at his/her target. Linze Silhoueska

"Come forth water, cool and clear katana blade: Aqua Cutter"

The user creates a blade made of water that is able to cut through rocks.

"Come forth water, ice wall of eternity: Ice Wall"

The user creates a wall made of ice.

" hail, giant ice blocks: Ice Rock"

The user create a rock made of ice that fall on the target Linze Silhoueska

Darkness Spells

Spell Name Description User

"Come forth darkness"

A cloud of darkness that emanates from the spell stone, its main purpose is to test one's aptitude for darkness All users of the darkness spellstone

"Come forth darkness, I seek a lizard warrior: Lizard Man"

The user summons a hybrid of a lizard and a man. Unnamed Bandit

"Come forth darkness, what I see is a proud silver wolf: Silver Wolf"

The user summons a silver wolf.

"Come forth darkness, I wish for a duke of demons: Demon Lord"

The user summon a high-class demon.

"Come forth darkness, I desire a hell-hound: Cerberus"

The user summon the guardian of hell, Cerberus.

"Come forth darkness, what I seek is the king of the sky: Griffon"

The user summons a Griffon.

"Come forth darkness, what I seek is horse flying in the sky: Pegasus"

The user summons a Pegasus.

Null Spells

Note: Touya can use all null spells, so he will not be mentioned in the chart below.

Spell Name Description User(s) Debut
Accel The user gains a barrier around himself/herself and is able to move at much faster speeds.
  • LN, placeholder
  • Anime, placeholder
  • Manga, placeholder
Aports The user can teleport small objects in range into his hand. The object must be able to be held in hand for the spell to work. Unknown
  • LN, placeholder
  • Anime, Episode 1
  • Manga, Chapter 1
Boost The user's physical strength is increased. Unknown
Drawing The user can print the image that is in his/her mind onto any type of writing surface. Unknown
  • LN, placeholder
  • Anime, Episode 3
  • Manga, placeholder
Enchantment The user can grant special powers/spells to an object Unknown
Fortification What this spell can do is unknown. Elze Silhoueska
Gate The user creates a portal next to them and another portal in a desired place. He/she must visit the desired place before he/she is able to summon a second portal there. Unknown
  • LN, placeholder
  • Anime, Episode 1
  • Manga, placeholder
Gravity The user can change the weight of his/her target.
Long Sense The user's senses are boosted for the duration of the spell. Unknown
Mirage The user can create illusions
Modeling The user can change the shape of any raw mineral or wood.
Multiple The user can multiply the amount of times the same spell can be used simultaneously by the same caster. Unknown
Paralyze The user renders his/her target immobile. The duration of this effect on the user's target directly correlates with the user's capability for magic. Also, some charms can deter this spell.
Program The user is able to embed a set of instructions into any abiotic object. The object will then follow the program if it is capable of doing so.
Protection The user can will any object to become more resistant in general.
Reading The user can decipher any written language but it will be not be understandable if they don't actually know what the words mean.
Recall The user copies his/her target's memories into his/her own head. The target must remember the event, and after the target and the user touch their foreheads together, the spell can be chanted.
Recovery The user removes all abnormal ailments like blindness and poisoning. Sushie's Grandfather
Search The user can search and identify anything as long as what they are searching for matches the criteria of whatever the user has in mind.
Slip The user reduces the friction of any solid matter to a point where anyone (including the user) would slip and fall if he/she were to walk on the affected matter. Unknown
Storage The user stores the desired object into an inconceivable area. In this area, the objects stores will not change whatsoever.
Transfer The user can transfer his/her magic to another.
Unnamed The user can curl hair that is normally straight. Unknown